Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Grain Size Distribution

       After creating a particle size distribution curve (Figure 1G) and hand calculations (Figure 2G) from the data it was possible to determine that the soil being tested was mostly sandy in nature. The data showed that 0.09% of the soil was gravel, 99.3% was sand and 0.61% was considered fines. This coincides with the visual inspection during the hydrometer test. The larger bottom portion of the soil column was light colored sand and the smaller upper layer was made up of smaller particles with a darker color. The data calculated for the hydrometer curve (Figure 3G) was paced into the grain size distribution curve and shows that the soil is mostly in the sand category between the #4 and #200 sieves. Based on this grain size distribution curve the USCS would classify this soil as Sand.

         Figure 1G: Grain Size Distribution Curve With Hydrometer Curve

        Figure 2G: Sample calculations for Grain Size Distribution Curve.

Figure 3G: Sample Calculations for Hydrometer

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